

Be careful for what you wish for:

Git hash of the base CPython: 702e0da000bf28aa20cb7f3893b575d977506495

Solution Statistics

bcrypted answer $2a$12$9mLRq/T9XWLep46HfMkmNujuSxfaGF3d/Y/fAMFVLwKM9SEZruNXm
observations 167
solves 10
points 234
average solve seconds 13997 seconds, or about 4 hours
stddev solve time 4057 seconds, or about 1 hour

Solutions Over Time

solving teams:

solved by 10 teams

team solved at it took
ENOENTHUSIASM 2022-05-29 20:33:09 UTC 6816 seconds, or 1.89 hours
侍‎‏ 2022-05-29 21:03:02 UTC 10270 seconds, or 2.85 hours
perfect r✪✪✪t 2022-05-29 21:14:29 UTC 10854 seconds, or 3.02 hours 2022-05-29 21:46:05 UTC 12872 seconds, or 3.58 hours
Straw Hat 2022-05-29 21:50:40 UTC 13132 seconds, or 3.65 hours
PTB_WTL 2022-05-29 21:58:41 UTC 13653 seconds, or 3.79 hours
DiceGuesser 2022-05-29 22:58:12 UTC 17115 seconds, or 4.75 hours
./V /home/r/.bin/tw 2022-05-29 23:01:29 UTC 17201 seconds, or 4.78 hours
Sauercloud 2022-05-29 23:28:07 UTC 19001 seconds, or 5.28 hours
RPISEC 2022-05-29 23:32:25 UTC 19059 seconds, or 5.29 hours